pondelok, 29 december 2014 08:19 Written by 2088 times
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Candy paradise Gingerbread run

Action Fun and Adventure in one game. Gingerbread "JIG" as a main character needs sweet candies to stay alive. But there are many Strangers on the road to the Candy Paradise.It is the best free 3D running game! Run game.
It is a free app – download it and have fun!

If you like Temple Run or Gingerbread Run,Gingerbread run, then Candy paradise is definitely the next game to be on your Android.

¦ If you like this game please Rate it and write a review on it.
¦ Thank you for all your insights.

Official Website:

Recent changes:
We are preparing a sequel CANDY PARADISE 2 .
*1.10 Fixed bugs
*1.9 Fixed bugs
*1.05 added bonus LEVEL


Get it on Google Play
Last modified on streda, 21 január 2015 18:46
Ing.Jaroslav Vadel

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